CHURCH of GOD CHURCH of GOD ew{) Chicago -Midwest Edition Volume 3, Issue 6 June, 1964 The massive Gary Memorial Auditorium engulfs the record Sabbath Day Congregation of 2,121 people for the Feast of Pentecost. Evangelist Blackwell, Wife Tour Europe by Wilbur Ball On Monday, June 1, 1964, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell departed for New York City, where they met Evangelist Albert Portune and Mr. Floyd Lochner and their wives. After visiting with Mr. Raymond Cole and viewing the Worlds Fair, the group boarded one of the world's fastest and most modern ships, the S.S. United States, which transported them to England. They arrived in St. Albans, the location of the College and Headquarters for the Work of God in the British Isles and (Continued on page 6) To honor the 1964 graduates and to wish Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell a fond farewell, a formal prom was held on May 30th. The graduates pose with Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell after presenting them with a card of appreciation. Top row, left to right are: Ken Prickett, Pat Patterson, Robert Roenspies, Bob Kaes, Tom Schlitt, Keith Regnier, Howard Haines, John Kreidich, and Scott Regnier. Bottom Row: Kathy Karwacki, Teresa Pirog, Patricia Madison, Susan Davis, Mrs. Blackwell, Mr. Blackwell, Linda Skaggs, June Van Nett, Marcia Beyersdorfer, Sharon Sturm, and Eleanor Barrow. Not pictured, John Wilmott. 1 Midwest Area Observes Pentecost in Gary by Jim Howell Memorial Auditorium in Gary, Indiana, was once again the site God chose for the area observance of the Feast of Pentecost held on three consecutive days, May 16th through May 18th. On the weekly Sabbath, May 16th, there were 2,121 people in attendance. Mr. Frank McCrady exhorted us to control our tongues. He reminded us that Satan is the accuser. Ask yourself: Why do you say what you do? Do we exaggerate or impute motives? Your religion is vain unless you CONTROL THAT TONGUE (James 1:26). The first full sermon was delivered by visiting pastor, Dr. Charles Dorothy. After relating the news about the colleges and asking our prayers for the success of the new college in Texas, he made us all realize how short 7V2 years really are! This means (Continued on page 4) Editor-in-Chief ................ Dean Blackwell Editor ..................................... Wilbur Ball News Editor ........................ Kenneth Ellis REPORTERS Dick Alexander Emma Lasocha Elisha Crim Gene Scarbrough Elaine Tkach Lyle Vershowske Fred Mancewicz Victor Johnson John Freel David Shell Edward Rudicel Esterlene Holmes Roland Van Siooten James Howell W. Keough-Dwyer Barbara Ellis Circulation ................. ...... Gene Madison Hope Brassine Business Manager . . ........ .Ted Efimov Art .................... John Moore Food Advisor .................... .Kenneth May Photographer .... ftobert Einersen Wilbur Vandermolen .C' 19(,4 by Radio Church of God Address all correspondence to the Editor. PlIbli,hed monthly by Chicago, South B.:nd. Minneapolis. Cincinnati. Grand Rapids. Indianapolis. Milwaukee and Bloomington Spokesman Clubs. Notify. liS immediately of any change of address. Circulation over 2000 by Edgar A. Guest He was going to be all that a mortal should be-Tomorrow. No one should be kinder or braver than he-Tomorrow. A friend who was troubled and weary he knew Who'd be glad of a lift and who needed it, too; On him he would call and see what he could do-Tomorrow. Each morning he stacked up the letters he'd write-Tomorrow. A nd thought of the folks he would fill with delight-Tomorrow. It was 100 bad, indeed, he was busy today, And hadn't a minute to stop on his way; More time he would have to give others, he'd say, Tomorrow. The greatest of workers this man would have been-Tomorrow. The world would have known him, had he ever seen-Tomorrow. But the fact is he died and he faded from view, And all that he left here when living was through Was a mountain of things he intended to do-Tomorrow. 88 KEYS by Fred Mancewicz Do you Chicago Area brethren enjoy the fine music which is provided each Sabbath and Feast Day? One who has played a vital part in giving us these quality performances is our own Miss Dorothy Bresson, pianist extraordinaire. Miss Bresson is indeed well-qualified to fill the role of musical assistant to our Director, for her career began at the age of six. It all started when a man asked to leave a piano-which was on his truck -on the Bresson front porch so that it would not get wet in the rain. Almost needless to say, the piano never left the Bresson farm home. Yes, she learned to play the piano, but at age 11 was struck down with polio which paralyzed both left arm and right leg. The intensive drive we see in Miss Bresson today was instilled at an early age. Within six months, through persistant endeavor, she was able to walk the one mile to school (but with a considerable limp, of course) and also resumed her piano-playing by assisting her Miss Dorothy Bresson as we usually see her-ready to serve. limp arm. Miss Bresson's father was a school teacher and a farmer. He managed to send his seven children through college even during the depression years. Miss Bresson has two degrees in music which she earned at Cornell College in Iowa. Later she took graduate work at Northwestern University. Her major was in the pipe organ, and today she owns and plays her own Hammond electric organ. In case you ever wondered, a young man studying to be a Methodist Minister almost made our Miss a Mrs. But he went off to the seminary (or cemetery?) in Boston, and the romance died. (Moral -never trust a Methodist minister.) Miss Bresson has had a series of successes in her musical career, which has been almost wholly in school teaching. This school marm formed many bands, choral groups and choirs which won state and county awards and championships. She taught a string quartet and also the violin. In her early years of teaching, her classes ran from the first through the twelfth grade, and today she is the sole musical director of the Ashton elementary school. Don't think the years have slowed down the spunk and drive which typifies Miss Bresson. She drives 90 miles one way to each Sabbath service and Bible study. Imagine that, 360 miles each week just to get to Church and it's a very rare occasion when she misses a service! After most are in their warm beds on Wednesday nights, she is still on the road. The many fine solo performances we enjoy are Miss Bresson's responsibility to prepare. She also built the foundation for the combined Chicago-LaGrange chorale. I, too, am grateful for her teaching me how to be a song leader. Yet, truly Miss Bresson has borne much fruit, and by this we know where her treasure lies. She is an outstanding example to both young and old. ------------------------_._._-_. ---- Williams Nuptials Mr. Harold Jackson wed Jonnie Mae Hartzfieldt and Terr Monte Williams on May 24, 1964 in the Hotel Graemere. Mr. Williams, an executive of the Continental Insurance Company of Chicago, is a graduate of Wayne State University, and holds a BA degree in mathematics. He was a former resident of Detroit, Michigan. Jonnie Mac was "one of Mrs. Jackson's girls." , 2 Three Ordained 2nd Spokesman Club by Ken Ellis The Chicago-Midwest area was once ville Church. Mrs. Scarbrough has as For Indianapolis again blessed to have ordinations during sisted her husband and the ministers In addition to the many other bless a yearly feast. After the Pentecost afterin various capacities for several years. ings God has opened to the Indianapolis noon serrnonette, the speaker introduced She has helped in the kitchen and has Church, we now have two Spokesman for the main message was Dr. Charles been in charge of other women before Clubs. In keeping with God's plan of Dorothy, but the man who came to the and will now be used even more. The unity the clubs are designed as section podium was Mr. Dean Blackwell. Scarbroughs have also been in charge of "A" and section "B", the News Briefs articles from their area. :'vir. Blackwell began quoting II TimThey care for two daughters and a large Both are held othy 3 and mentioned that the rank of clubs concurrently on farm besides their many Church activi deaconess (and deacon) was the lowest Sunday, Section "A" starting at 4:00 ties. position for which we are to strive, Then P.M. with club "B" beginning at 7:00 Raised to the rank he called two men P.M. Both sections have Mr, John Bald, of deacon were Mr. and one woman to Dick Alexander the local minister, as Co-ordinator, the stage along with and Mr. John ministers present. Officers for club "A" are, President, Wood. Mr. Ale Mr. Robert Quakenbush; Vice-President, Raised to the rank xander attends of deaconess was Mr. Don Kayser; Secretary is Mr. Charles church In LaMrs, Evelyn Scar Grange with his Boone; Treasurer, Mr. Russell Hampton brough, wife of wife, Alma, and with Holies Abrell as Sgt.-at-Arms, Deacon Gene Scar .,'... \"" daughter, Mary Officers for section "B" are Mr. Gene brough of the Dan-(Continued on page 6) Carter, President; Mr. Raymond Kiger, Vice-President; Mr. Harry Catobius, Sec Saturday Spokesmen Hold Lamb Barbeque retary; Mr. James Apostolou, Treasurer by Harold Stocker and William Whitt as Sgt-at-Arms. On Sunday morning, May 30th, Mr. Frank Prickett's farm was the site of a With this added opportunity to developcombined Saturday-Evening-Spokesman-Club meeting and lamb barbecue. the whole personality and a true Christian At 11 :00 A.M. the Club meeting was held under blue sky, white clouds, a character, we hope to remain in the backdrop of rich green leaves and with over HO people present. As various topics spirit of thankfulness and strive to be were discussed and speeches were given. gentle breezes rustled the leaves and a rooster's crowing was conspicuously out of time with the Club timer. come profitable servants. Besides the many widows in attendance, the Club was host to Mr. and Mrs, Scenes from the Social Held During Pentecost Herbert Zacharias of Stillwater, Minnesota (formerly of Chicago), and special guests, :\1r. and Mrs, Harold Cormany, Sr.. who were celebrating their 45th wedding annivcrsary! The fresh, clean air and the smell of green fields under warm skies was an answer to prayer for good weather. Other odors from the Prickett kitchen set the tastehuds watering for the savory food that followed. Chairs were pulled up into small groups for closer fellowship and discussion. Later the children explored the many small attractions on the farm, fed the chickens, and chased the ponies. The young adults adjourned to a rugged uphill terrain which became the setting for a fast-paced softball game. The final score the past semester. \\as decided by one run in the final inColored News Briefs Your fervent prayers will be apprenll1g. Some good news from Californiaciated for the ministers who are going If this day was a sample of future Mr. Elbert Atlas has been ordained a out on baptizing tours this summer. Repicnics to be held this summer, the Local Elder by Mr. Garner Ted Armmember especially Mr. Frank McCrady Church of God in the Chicago-LaGrange strong. Mr.. Atlas, recently married, has and Mr. and Mrs. Bass who will be area is in for many enjoyable hours, been studying at Ambassador College for touring the racially tense southern states. Rip roaring and fun-packed, the Saturday night Spokesman Club came to order on a Sunday morning. being host to widows and special guests at Mr. Prickett's farm. Vice-president Glen Ackerson presides. as a serious mood prevails. Club Director, Mr. Ray Roenspies, and President Joseph Schlitt look on. 3 Pentecost (Continued from page 1) about 66,000 hours or 396 Sabbaths or if we pray and study one hour each day, ONLY 117 DAYS OF SOLID GROWTH! We MUST make it in that time or NOT AT ALL. After lunch, Mr. Jim Redus pointed out the danger of the word "ASSUME." Saul ASSUMED it was right to make an offering (I Sam. 13:9) Peter THOUGHT it was right to fight back (John 18:10). We need to recall the words of I Cor. 10:12-let him who THINKS he stands take heed lest he fall. Evangelist, Mr. Dean Blackwell, then showed us that man can destroy himself in a number of ways. Why will this nation be punished? The plain, simple answer is found in Ezekiel 5:7-8. Only A FEW will escape the great tribulation that is coming. Americans and Britons will be sold as slaves (Joel 3:3). Certainly man WOULD destroy himself unless God intervened. Does this seem REAL TO YOU? God is sending NOW earthquakes and tornados as a warning. What do we find in our nation today? We see drought, floods, dust storms, and destructive insects. People are moving into the cities. Sickness and disease are on the increase. We see young men dyingin- warfare, wife-swapping, shoplifting, air pollutions, obscene movies, embezzlement, and income tax evasion. Some cities will get the treatment of Sodom and Gomorrah (Amos 4:11)! As a nation, WE ARE BLIND TO OUR PROBLEMS (Amos 6:3). What can YOU do? Read Amos 5:6 and apply it. Every man is rewarded according to his WORKS. On Sunday morning, Mr. Cam Catherwood opened with the startling question: Where do YOU expect to be in 1976? CHANGE. You must change your ATTITUDE, your SET OF VALUES, your HABITS, your ASSOCIATIONS, your APPEARANCE, and your PERSONALITY before God can give you the seventh change-INTO A SPIRIT BEING. In the main sermon, delivered by Mr. Allan Manteufel, the point was made that WE have the answers to the world's problems-but President Johnson does not know the answers. The world LOOKS nice-but is NOT! Do not be deceived as this world is. Mr. Manteufel covered the beginning of the false way, starting with Cush, Nimrod, and Semiramis. Probably Abraham learned about God from Shem, whose life overlaps Abraham's. Shem was one of the survivors of The Flood! But where do the ideas of purgatory, immortal soul, the cross, celibacy, and the rosary come from? These things HAVE NO SCRIPTURAL BASIS! This world loves myths, legends, and fables-see II Tim. 4:4. In the afternoon, Mr. George Meeker discussed dedication. Many in our society are really dedicated, although toward the WRONG goal. Do we have the dedication of Stephen or Apollos? Does our zeal provoke anyone? We need to labor for everlasting life, which is permanent (John 6:27). Then, again, we heard from Dr. Dorothy. God CONDEMNS OUR FEAST DAYS! God's law is still binding on us all today. Using a certain order of the names of the planets, he revealed to us how the order of names of the days of the week came about. This piece of knowledge intrigued the listeners. Then came the DAY of PENTECOST! Mr. John Bald asked if we are making ourselves ready for the marriage of Jesus Christ to His church. Time is dwindling! After Mr. McCrady urged us to give according as we are able in the Holy Day offering, Mr. Blackwell listed the places where Pentecost is mentioned in the Bible. Christ began His ministry on the day of Pentecost. This was the day the Holy Spirit came down. This Mr. Frank McCrady MC's Social. Der Sclzule Meister-Mr. Peter Ochs leads a German Song. day is a HOLY CONVOCATION. However, the churches of this world observe "Whitsunday" and "Ascension Day"-so they are not here with us. Mr. Jack Pyle informed us that it will be hardest for US to make the Kingdom but the rewards are greatest. Those converted in the 1,000-year and 100-year periods will have lower positions. Present sufferings are nothing compared to the glory we shall have (Rom. 8:18). The qualifications of a deacon and deaconess were briefly enumerated by Mr. Blackwell before the ordination ceremony. All should have these points on a card. The final sermon of the festival was given by Dr. Dorothy. How can we grow 3000%? This is the same as 30 times over! Nothing less IS EVEN MENTIONED concerning spiritual growth. To grow 100% or one-fold, we must hear and believe the gospel, repent and be baptized, and be obedient to authority. For further growth, we need to pray, study, fast,. and tithe faithfully. Then each of us needs a responsibility. Don't try to preach to others-LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE BY YOUR WORKS! We mean well and we need to do well. Increase your courage-God wants YOU to be on top. Yes, my name is Johnson, but I'm not from Texas. I Do you recognize these couples? Honored The Three Exterminators (Beatleby a special dance at the social, are the two Killers), Messrs Davison, Witt, Skaggs. longest married couples attending. 4 HAWAIIAN LUAU It Coult! Only Hoppen There! "For mel/ shall be lovers of their OWI/ seh·e.\""-"witholll mllllmi ()jjection." " Tilllothy 3:2-3. by Maceo Hampton Sunday, May 31, 1964, as the sun began to set on a small suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio, called Hartwell, a group of Colored brethren led by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson began to enjoy a most unique and fascinating social at the Valleydale Civic Club. This affair for the Colored brethren was the result of special planning by Mr. Carn Catherwood (M inister of the Cincinnati and Lexington, Ky. churches) and the Cincinnati Sunday night Spokesman Club. The setting for the evening's festivities was a Hawaiian Luau. The decor produced the effect of a visit to a balmy south sea island. Upon entering the room each guest had placed about his or her neck a brightly colored lei, and/ or a carnation in her hair. To the left was a hlanket of grass: on it a three tiered fountain of bubbling water, made colorful by a multicolored disc ovcr a flood light. Scattered on the grass wcre sea shells. flowers and a tree stump. To the right was a sea net on the wall with sea horses running thru it. Hanging from the ceiling wcre strings of lei. All the guests were seated at a number of tables arranged in horseshoe fashion with Mr. and I\lrs. Jackson seated in the center of the main table. This sumptuous candlc-lit feast had on the menu such delicious edibles as charcoal broiled steaks, baked potatoes with shredded cheese topping, corn and a gelatin salad with nuts and pineapple filling. For dessert, home-made ice cream sprinkled with shredded coconut and topped with wild honey, and to top it all off. Champagne. (Ah!) Tbose who made all the preparations and served the guests were the Cincinnati Sunday night's Spokesman Club members and their wives directed by Mr. and Mrs. Catherwood. The wives of the Spokesman wore ruffled blouses with pastel skirts and the men wore dark trousers with cummerbund to match the ladies skirts. The recorded music for the first part of the evening was typical Hawaiian. In the remaining portion of this evening of evenings the music was live, supplied by the Hampton family. We of the Chicago Church who were privileged to attend this momentous occasion wish to express a very warm and grateful "THANK YOU" to Mr. and Mrs. Catherwood and to the members or the Cincinnati Sunday night Spokesman Club. Lima, Peru. Reports have come in that police were needed to quell violence over a soccer incident. Fans protesting the officials' decision rioted and police used tear gas to halt the crowd. When thousands of spectators rushed to the doors, men, women and children were trampled underfoot. Est imates of the dead and injured well exceed 300. Warm-up Over, Season Begins by Davc Shell Sports Flash! First league softball game played was a win for Chicago over LaGrange 3 to I! [n the past few weeks, a lot of action has been seen as the Old Softball has b.:en pounded Ollt of shape at Gage 1>;lrk. With Chicago and LaGrange playing their practice games, Chicago was in the driver's scat up until the last real practice session. The day before the departure of Mr. and \[rs. Hlackwell' !'vlr. Blackwell decided to round up all the LaGrangers and give Chicago a t;lste of defeat. LaGrange won three gamcs that afternoon. Mr. HI;lckwell stuck a shut-out in his hip pocket as Chicago went down 6 to O. On June 7th, Chicago and LaGrange t\.)gether visited the Chicago Colored team at H2nd and Princeton. The combination was too much for the Colored team as they lost two games that day-II to 3 and 13 to 2 .. PITCHER'S RECORD TO DATE PITCHER-TEAM E.R. H. S.O. w L AVE Bl ac kwell-LaGra ng. 0.00 Fil ippello-LaGrange 2.00 Shell-Chicago 19 38 31 3 3.80 Gibbs-LaGrange 6 14 17 a 4.65 Skaggs-L"Grange 17 36 12 4.96 Tkach-Chicago 2 a 7.00 ttA/! Comparison hy Wallci/a Fowler When Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Arm strong stopped over in Chicago on April 20th, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell were on hand to greet them. amid much hand shaking and joy. Three days later. Mr. and Mrs. Hlackwell were at Meigs Field when President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson arrived in Chicago for an of ficial visit. Twice during his trip to his hotel. \1 r. Johnson stopped to shake h;l\lds with small groups of people, and b,lth times Mrs. Blackwell was able to shake hands with the president. (Although he was right beside her both times, Mr. Blackwell did not get to shake hands with \Ir. Johnson). 1\1 rs. Blackwell commented that the e\pressions on the faces of Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Johnson were of different types. 1\1r. Armstrong's was onc of joy and peace, while Mr. Johnson's was one of fear or anxiety. HOME RUNS HIT LA GRANGE-CHICAGO TEAMS La Grange ... ... 6 Chicago ... 7 Shell ... 4 Bull .... 2 Kreidich Bremer Skaggs Gregor Coco Pyle Shabi 5 Tour Europe (Continued from page I) Europe, on June 10. This trip will afford them an opportunity to survey the Work in many nations. Before leaving, Mr. Blackwell remarked, "I would rather stay right here in Chicago! It is such a joy to see the work grow and to work with the people in the Midwest area." It's a great blessing for this group of ministers and a blessing for the Church because of the wonderful growth and experience these men will receive. The tour will take them through Germany, Switzerland, Italy (Rome), France, and possibly other countries of Europe as well. We will all be looking forward to their return on or about July 17th. Mr. Blackwell planned to take many 35 mm slides to be shown at Bible Studies along with the latest reports from those areas. In this way he will be able to share his experiences with us. The next best thing to being there, will be to see those slides. H ere are excerpts from a letter just received from the Blackwells. Sabbath morning June 13 , 1964 Hello all, We had a pretty good crossing over on the S.S. United States but two days were pretty rough, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Lochner spent three days in bed. We almost all joined her a couple of times. The ship rocked side to side vcry slowly and so far over that our lovely roses from the Spokesman Clubs had to be put in drawers, and ropes were put up in the halls so people could walk without Three Ordained falling. We couldn't stay in auf' stateroom (Continued from page 3) and read (it made us sick) so we walked and walked, all over the ship. Then we ate Ann. He has served as LaGrange Liand walked more. It's all that kept us going. brarian, member of the visiting team, We finally made it and were we happy! Spokesman Club President, and has Wednseday afternoon and evening we saw the college, also Thursday. Beautiful! Frihelped with the counseling. He worked uay we drove over English countryside up for the business office at Jekyll Island here to Birmingham for Bible Study last and is a reporter on this paper, as readers night. Today we have services at 1 :30. It is just beautiful here, green rolling hills with probably have noticed. hedges instead of fences dividing fields. Mr. John Wood Will try to keep in touch. will be of great as Much love, The Blackwells sistance to Mr. Jackson and Mr. Crim at the Chicago Colored fI.J~ Church. Mr. and ~~ Mrs. Wood and ~ .. ~ '1 their children have Za :§ attended in Chi Qf-~ = O~ oS N cago for three years. Mr. Wood has provided transportation, helped the widows, C~ III ~ 0'1 and assisted in many other functions. He 'S ~ has also been very active in working ~~ with young people. =. ~ i ~O ~ We do surely rejoice in the addition of ~t,!) ~ ~ f') f') these members to the efficient and ever III ~ growing team of God's servants in this S~ f') riIil area. ~= t.J 6 Evangelist Dean fJlackweli and his wife congratulate Dr. Dorothy for helping the Chicago-LaGrange Band by playing a few numbers during the social held at the Hammond Civic Auditorium.